
Waar gaat het spel over

Je bent Max Damage, je racet met een speciaal voertuig, de Eagle tegen verschillende andere concurrenten met de meest vreemde voertuigen in verschillende omgevingen, waaronder stads-, mijn- en industriële gebieden. Je hebt een bepaalde hoeveelheid tijd om elke race te voltooien. Meer tijd kan worden gewonnen door bonussen te verzamelen en de auto's van de concurrenten te beschadigen of door. Wat Carmageddon nou echt uniek maakt is dat je voetgangers en koeien kan overrijden!Races worden voltooid door het parcours te voltooien zoals je dat normaal zou doen, door alle andere raceauto's te te vernielen, of door alle voetgangers op het level te doden. Carmageddon bevat zesendertig racebanen, die op elf verschillende locaties worden gespeeld.



Unlock de Suppressor

De Suppressor ligt op de loer in het level 'Blood on the Rooftops', op het dak van een bepaald gebouw; Het parcours gaat door dit gebouw en net na controlepunt 4 het dak op!
De topklasse APC wordt geflankeerd door twee reguliere Squad Cars. Soms schrikt de Suppressor en rijdt hij van het dak af voordat de speler er is. Het kan een enorme klap verdragen, maar is niet onverwoestbaar: eenmaal vernietigd wordt het gestolen en toegevoegd aan de garage van de speler.



Tashita Coupe
Grunge Buster


The Twister
The Bear


Caddy Fat Cat


The Plow


The Suppressor


Tashita Coupe
Grunge Buster


The Twister
The Bear
Monster Masher
Stodge Barger


Caddy Fat Cat


The Plow
Rig O'Mortis


The Suppressor



Menu cheat codes

In the Race menu:

  • Type KEVWOZEAR (KEV WAS HERE) to unlock all cars and tracks in a single-player game. The 'Rank Increase' sound should play if entered correctly.


The powerup cheats are listed on the Power Ups in Carmageddon page. To be given a certain powerup, just type the corresponding cheat. Scroll down to the powerup you'd like and write the code in the left portion of the "Cheat" field.

Misc. codes


(Splat Pack only) Miniature Pedestrians Timed 30 seconds Ctrl+8 Peds shrink smaller.
(Splat Pack only) Mollusc Pedestrians Timed 30 seconds Ctrl+7 Peds move a lot slower.
Blind Pedestrians Timed 30 seconds HAMSTERSEX Alt+Shift+6 Peds walk around without seeing the cars.
Explosive Pedestrians Timed 30 seconds SUPERHOOPS 5 Peds explode in a bloody mess when touched.
Giant Pedestrians Timed 30 seconds SMALLUDDERS 3 Peds grow larger.
Pedestrian Electro-bastard Ray Timed 30 seconds RUSSFORMARIO Alt+5 Any peds within range are zapped and killed.
Pedestrian Harvest Timed 30 seconds TRAMSARESUPER Ctrl+3 Peds stick to the car when run over.
Pedestrian Respawn Instantaneous NAUGHTYTORTY Alt+Shift+7 Respawns all dead pedestrians.
Pedestrians From Hades Timed 30 seconds Alt+Shift+3 Supposed to make pedestrians immortal, but doesn't.
Pedestrians Glued to the Ground! Timed 30 seconds SPAMSPAMSPAMSPAM 2 Peds get stuck on the spot when they try to run.
Pedestrians Shown on Map Whole Race ILOVENOBBY Alt+4 Peds appear on the map as blinking dots.
Turbo Pedestrians Timed 30 seconds FUNNYJAM 6 Peds move a lot faster.
Vesuvian Corpses Timed 2 minutes ISLANDRULES Ctrl+4 Makes all corpses spew blood occasionally.


(Splat Pack only) Turbo Nutter Bastard Nitrous Timed 30 seconds Ctrl+9 Makes the car accelerate a lot faster.
Acme Damage Magnifier Timed 30 seconds WEHATEMARIO Alt+7 Damage caused to opponents is increased.
Bouncy Bouncy! (note) Timed 30 seconds CHICKENFODDER Alt+2 Makes the car hop constantly.
Greased Tyres Timed 30 seconds BENFORMARIO Alt+6 Decreases the tires' grip.
Grip-o-matic Tyres Timed 30 seconds BOYSFROMTHEBUSH Ctrl+2 Messes with the tires' grip, making them unstable.
Hot Rod Timed 30 seconds IGLOOFUN 5 Makes the car accelerate a lot faster and lose control more easily.
Instant Handbrake Timed 30 seconds SPAMFORREST Alt+Shift+2 Makes the handbrake stop all momentum.
Invulnerability! Timed 30 seconds SPOONREASON 7 Makes the car invulnerable to any kind of damage.
Mega-turbo! Timed 30 seconds SOAPYTITWANKS Alt+Shift+5 Makes the car accelerate yet faster.
Oh Dear, Bodywork Trashed! Instantaneous BIGBOTTOM Shift+3 Drops the car's loose parts.
Oh Dear, Jelly Suspension! Timed 30 seconds BUYOURNEXTGAME Alt+3 Messes with the car's suspension, making it look like it's driving in jelly.
Rock Springs Timed 30 seconds Ctrl+0 Messes with the car's suspension, making it harder.
Solid Granite Car! Timed 30 seconds KNEEPITHAPPINESS Alt+Shift+9 Increases the car's mass a lot.
Turbo! Timed 30 seconds Alt+Shift+4 Makes the car accelerate faster.
Underwater Ability! Timed 2 minutes GOOGLEPLEX Shift+1 Negates underwater movement hindering.
Wall Climber! Timed 30 seconds SECRETCOWS Alt+1 Makes the tires stick to walls.


5 Free Recovery Vouchers Whole race ICECREAMHOLE Alt+Shift+8 Makes the next 5 recoveries free.
Credits Instantaneous 0 Grants the player some credits.


Timed 5 seconds INTHELOFT Ctrl+1 Makes the screen wobble and the colors oscillate.
Free Repairs! Timed 1 minute SPAMFRITTERS 8 Makes repairing free.
Frozen Cops! Timed 30 seconds NASALSMEAR Shift+6 Freezes all cops on their tracks.
Frozen Opponents! Timed 30 seconds SPAMACCIDENTS Shift+5 Freezes all opponents on their tracks.
Gravity From Jupiter! Timed 30 seconds RABBITDREAMER Ctrl+5 Increases the global gravity.
Instant Repair! Instantaneous INTHEWAR 9 Instantly and fully repairs the car.
Lunar Gravity... Timed 30 seconds IHAVESOMESPAM Shift+9 Decreases the global gravity.
Mega Bonus Instantaneous 1 Grants the player more credits.
Mine Instantaneous Shift+4 Causes an invisible explosion that damages the car.
Pinball Mode! Timed 30 seconds MOOSEONTHELOOSE Alt+0 Makes things ricochet when they collide.
Time Bonus Instantaneous Shift+2 Grants a bit of extra time.
Timer Frozen! / Timer Thaw! Instantaneous SEXWITHFISH Shift+0 Freezes/thaws the timer.
Turbo Cops! Timed 30 seconds YAKATTAK Shift+8 Makes the cops accelerate faster.
Turbo Opponents! Timed 30 seconds YUMMYLARD Shift+7 Makes the opponents accelerate faster.


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